5 life changing realizations from 2023

At the beginning of 2023, I made a post titled “How to make 2023 extraordinary” in which I mentioned that it would be a year of extraordinary manifestations and blessings. There were major manifestations of rare cosmic events such as solar eclipses, super blue moons and 4 super moons (2 in the month of August)! There were major advancements in A.I. technology that have given humanity an unlimited ability to create and solve problems, across all industries and sectors of the economy. The year had 10 palindrome dates. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as it does forwards. Here are all the palindrome dates from 2023: “3-20-23, 3-21-23, 3-22-23, 3-23-23, 3-24-23, 3-25-23, 3-26-23, 3-27-23, 3-28-23 and 3-29-23.”

If you still don’t get the drift that 2023 was not your ordinary year, the date of the very last day of the year 2023, is 12/31/23 which can be read as “123, 123”

It was also an extremely mentally challenging year for humans all over the world. On the flip side of the coin, there have been major wars going on around the world, in Ukraine, Congo, Somalia, Palestine and many other places. There have been several devastating earth quakes and natural disasters, rigged elections, coups, hyperinflation and other man-made crisis that pushed nations and citizens to breaking points. If you have made it to this moment in time in 2023, it is important to be extremely grateful to God and to be very proud of yourself, because it has truly been a year that tested the resilience of every human on earth.

I recorded many personal successes in 2023. I had my first global brand collaborations, I hosted my first series of wellness events, I had the official launch for my first book “21 Affirmations: Igniting a positive mental reset”, I relocated to a new city of my choice, proposed to the love of my life and got married in 2023. In the midst of these highs, I also experienced periods of low mood, confusion, uncertainty and anxiety. I experienced deep frustration towards the economy, political climate and leadership in my country Nigeria and the major limitations they place of the average citizen.

To summarize 2023, it was a year of extraordinary positive and negative events. Most people choose to remain focused on the manifestation of extraordinary negative events, but those who have been intentional about harnessing and channeling positive energy, have been experiencing extraordinary manifestations of goodness in their lives. People have manifested new inventions, new businesses, new levels of wealth, successful relationships, marriages, families and more!

Reflecting on 2023 as a whole, here are my 5 biggest realizations of the year.

1) Your world doesn’t create your vision your vision creates your world!

After 2023, I will never start another year of my life without clearly capturing and documenting my visions for the year, on a vision board! This requires you taking the time to center yourself, to audit your experiences over the year, to find out what worked and what didn’t, in order to set clearer intentions and to implement more effective strategies for achieving a better experience in the new year. Your vision shapes your entire reality regardless of what is going on in the world! If you do not capture and document the details of the vision you want for yourself, your imagination would create a random vision for you! There can be no vacuum of visions! The more detailed your vision is the quicker and easier it is for your imagination to manifest it. The most important step in the process of creating or manifesting anything is becoming clear on what your vision for that thing (event, relationship, experience etc.) is.

2) The most important attributes to have as a human in our world today are gratitude and a positive outlook on life. They are the heart and soul of your vision.

It is extremely important to develop the attributes of gratitude and a positive outlook on life because, it gives you the strength and resilience to focus on the true visions that you want to see manifest in your life. When you are easily triggered by negative events in your environment s and haven’t developed this attribute, your thoughts and emotions would be centered around the things, events and experiences you do not want to see manifest in your life, such as lack, conflict, confusion and fear. There would always be some kind of turmoil and unrest in the world. There would always be negative distractions and negative events. We have the power to intentionally choose to focus on gratitude and this gives us the ability to shape our realities with greater accuracy.

3) Clear intentions guide the creative forces of your imagination.

If you do not define a clear intention for your actions, your imagination would be guided by the thoughts and emotions you focus on the most from the triggers in your environment (news, social media, and other people). In 2023, I set clear intentions for myself every single month. I tapped into the abundant cosmic energy of the new moon and full moon periods, to set new intentions, to visualize and to meditate on them, for the following month cycle. These memorable intention setting experiences helped to keep my desired manifestations for the month at the forefront of my imagination which made it easier for them to manifest into my reality.

4) Every clearly captured and documented vision has its own divine funding and execution team

One of the biggest blocks I used to experience in life was believing I didn’t have enough money to achieve certain goals. You may think you do not have enough money to plan your wedding, to organize your first outdoor event or to start your business. You may have given up on some goals in 2023 because you were triggered by the negative economic and political events and struggled to see HOW a possible solution for achieving them could manifest! In 2023, I planned my first outdoor vision board creation event in Lagos Nigeria, without any money to achieve it. I also planned my first book launch and a few other successful social events without having the personal funds to cover all expenses.  When I started planning my wedding with my wife, neither of us had all the money we needed to take care of all the expenses ahead and the economies in both our countries were experiencing hyperinflation. What all these events taught me was the power of focusing on a clearly captured and documented vision, regardless of what is going on in the outside world. What they all had in common was, once I was able to center myself and to become clear on the details of the vision of what I wanted to manifest, the people, opportunities and funds that would help me manifest them began to reveal themselves almost effortlessly! They do not tell us this enough, but the universe is ALWAYS trying its hardest to help you manifest your desires if you trust and follow the process!

5) Every vision has a life of its own, your only job is to remain faithful to the vision and to see it through

Focus on the steps of what you need to do along the journey of your vision, not on how or when it will manifest. The vision itself is an entity you need to understand and get to know and it has a purpose and life of its own! Your only jobs are to center yourself and to focus on capturing the details of the vision you want to see manifest (through listening & meditation) and to remain faithful to that vision no matter what. You are the observer, capturer and documenter of the vision, NOT the owner. The supreme creator owns the visions and has a purpose for all of them in our lives.  Being aware of this allows us to trust the process of the visions we receive, knowing that every stage of their manifestation has already been provided for!

2023 taught me to focus on fixing my vision instead of trying to fix the world. The more clarity you bring to your vision the more clarity and fulfillment you bring into your reality and the world at large. I encourage you to harness the power of clearly captured and documented visions even more in 2024!

To help you do this I will make my vision board creation tool available for FREE. I would be sending it out as part of the email for this blog to all TMB and SOFT community members. If you would like to receive it you can email me at blink@thematrixbuster.com with “vision board” in the subject.

If you need guidance going through the vision board creation worksheet you can also email me to schedule a 1-1 coaching session. Email me at blink@thematrixbuster.com with “vision board coaching” in the subject.

I wish you a beautiful Christmas holiday season with family and loved ones and a peaceful and prosperous new year in 2024!

My new year wishes for you

  • I wish you the clarity to create compelling visions 
  • The patience and consistency to persevere along the journey of manifesting them
  • The courage to not compromise on your boundaries and standards
  • The confidence to focus on what works for you
  • The strength to let go of what no longer serves you

One love
